Men of Grace Baptist! On July 7 you, and your sons, are invited to join together for a true “Breakfast of Champions!” The deacons of the church will be grilling ribeye steaks with a side-dish for every guy who signs up for this glorious food-related event. But you MUST sign up so we can have enough steak for everyone. The cost will be $10 per person and anything we bring in over expenses will be placed in the church’s benevolence fund. This is truly a morning for good food and fellowship so plan to come and hang out together as we rejoice in the truth of Genesis 9:3 “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you!” This event begins at 8 am at the church so come on time and be ready to eat!
Note: This is GCA Days weekend in St. Paul so consider staying in town and helping us pass out water bottles from our tent in the City Park immediately following the 10 am parade.