A Matter of Life or Death


Not all of us enjoy thinking about the after-life. That’s because we have questions about what comes “after life”.  Today’s passage gives us a glimpse of what to expect and warning we would do well to not ignore.

“John: How Do We Know Truth?”

Does it ever seem like truth keeps getting harder to find? Today we’re going to unpack a message Jesus gave in defense of accusations against Him: people were calling Him a liar! His defense will help us further trust His words and cement our hope for the future.

John: Sand Notes


The woman caught in adultery and Jesus writing in the sand is one of the most beloved stories found in our Bibles today. This story is not without some controversy but regardless of the tension, there is still a lesson to be gained from this account.

“John: Jesus as Matlock

The passage today is another “drop the mic” moment for Jesus as He is accused by the Jews but turns their accusations around in true lawyer fashion to reveal the actual guilty party. Within this narrative we see Christ’s sinlessness and power and are forced to ask ourselves once again, “What do we do with […]

John: Jesus on Undercover Boss”


In the middle of the book of John, we find a short passage describing a time when Jesus goes “undercover”. In this narrative, John includes an “undercover view” of what the crowd really thinks about Jesus which challenges us to examine ourselves and ask, “What do I think about him?”

“John: Less Baptist and More Jesus??”

In today’s passage, we find it is possible to listen to the teachings of Christ without hearing the teachings of Christ. It is possible to look the part of a disciple without actually being a believer. The question we’ll have to answer is, “Do I fall into one of these categories and will I admit […]

Sherlock Holmes had a Point!


When it comes to deciding what is truth, sometimes it pays to be like Sherlock Holmes: “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” Today’s passage will challenge us to approach Christ’s teaching with that exact same attitude.

John: Finding God Amidst Wrong Reasons

There are many reasons people look for God and many reasons people reject God. In today’s passage, Jesus alludes to some of these reasons, crushes the logic behind them, and then challenges His people to make a decision; a decision we all still face today.
