He Is Risen

Sunday Services

10:00 AM                                                                                  Nursery care available.

Sunday School Classes
Bible study for all ages
11:15 AM

Recent Sermons

Relief is Spelled F-A-I-T-H

Today’s sermon is for those who struggle sleeping at night. It’s for those who have burdens that seem to drag them down and suck the joy out of living. Today we are studying words of reassurance from Christ, given to His disciples while they wrestled with a crisis of faith. These words can bring comfort […]

Jesus Invented Charades?

John chapter 13 begins a dialogue known as the “Upper Room Discourse.” At the beginning of this dialogue on being a mature disciple, Jesus essentially uses the game, Charades, to point out that believers, while saved, still need to deal with sin in their lives. In addition, He reminds us never get too big for […]


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