John: Jesus Leaves the Public Chat


Today we’ll study the last conversation that John records Jesus having with the general public. This conversation has some poignant lessons that will help us gain some perspective on the humanity of Jesus and the reality of life.

Are You Living in the Now?


In the book of John, we read of a seemingly insignificant interaction with some secondary characters who were not Jewish. This interaction is thought-provoking and leads us to consider some growth areas in our lives; and live as if there is more to life than the now.

John: There Is a New Leader in Town – Pastor Bear


Leadership changes tend to bring out a variety of responses from people. Some are dreading what might happen to “their people.” Others are excited because now, “We can clean this mess up.” While we just experienced a change in leadership in our nation, I want to instead focus on what is recorded in the Bible […]

“John: People are like Parking Meters”

Parking meters are one of a few things that do not give back change, no matter how much time is left. The study of people over time reflects the same thing. No matter how much time has gone, the attitudes of people as a whole remain the same; no change is evident. This will become […]

John: Mob Hits were in the Bible too –


Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “…there is nothing new under the sun.” As we will see today, that is also true with mob hits. The only difference is the names behind the hit. Today we will learn what motivated this decision and how God used the “bad guys” in order to fulfill His plan.

The Incarnation Rewrote a Family’s Story

Family history is significant to most people, especially as they age. In fact, seven in ten Americans think it is important to know their family’s history.* Today we are going to look at one family’s history and see how God rewrote their story, their impact on the world, through the incarnation.

“John: Church Isn’t Going to Cut It”

The stage continues to be set for the upcoming “trial” and crucifixion of Jesus. In today’s passage we’ll see where Jesus sticks with His message that only belief in Him matters which continues to infuriate the Jews.

“John: Lessons About Church Leadership”

In John 10, Jesus gives us some lessons in what good church leaders look like. These principles are good to know whether you are in leadership, want to be in leadership, or will have a role in choosing leadership.