January AWANA Events

January 1— NO AWANA

January 8 — Freckles Night

January 22 — Crazy Hat Night




AWANA (6:30 to 8:15 pm)

Our regular schedule:

6:15 pm Doors open

6:30 pm Opening Ceremony

6:45 pm Session 1

7:15 pm Session 2

7:45 pm Session 3

8:00 pm Cubbies ends

8:15 pm AWANA ends


If you arenot able to preregister your children, but still want your kids to be able to participate this year, no worries!!  You can register your child at any time throughout the year.  See Rachel Bear or Lura Townsend at the check-in table in the lobby any Wednesday during  the AWANA year for paperwork and cost sheets.  Please click on the links below to see our calendar or our cost sheet for the year.

2024-2025 Grace Church Awana Calendar

Cost Sheet 2024-2025