Dear Church Family,

I type that greeting almost every month, “Dear Church Family.” To be honest, oftentimes I write it without    ever really thinking about what it means. “Church Family.”  Depending on what is happening in life, that can mean some very different things.

This last month Rachel and I went through some trying times and went through them while separated from each other. Rachel had to stay home with Eden for six days right after Eden’s surgery while I went to Colorado to be with my sister who had just lost her three-year-old son. Both of us strongly desired the support of the other during this time but circumstances forced us apart. It was during this time that the phrase, “Church Family,” became more powerful for us.

Many of you prayed for us. Many of you offered encouragement to us. Some of you provided for a felt need. We received phone calls, emails, cards, and text messages throughout the week and even afterwards. We felt so loved and cared for in the middle of a trying time. This is what family does. This is what you did for us and we are so grateful for all of you.

This morning, just before writing this, I met with a family who had lost a loved one. This particular family was not a church-going family. They had each other and that was it. I know from experience that having family beside you helps in times like this. But I also know that eventually family leaves to go back home and then what do you have? Without a local church family, what you have is you and the weight of your grief, with no one to share the load. I can’t imagine going through deep pain like that without you behind the scenes supporting us.

I want to thank you for sharing the load with us. Thank you for caring, for praying, for sacrificing, for loving us through this hard time. You are an amazing church and I’m so grateful for the number of friends who have      become family.

I (We) love you all!

Pastor Daniel