As the Thanksgiving Potluck approaches, the elders would like you to consider whether you have an unchurched friend you could invite to join us for this service and meal. Over the years, God has brought many people to Grace Church due to a shared meal and we would like to use this Sunday as another opportunity for you to invite someone to church. We are planning some fun things in the service, including a special children’s sermon, which we believe will be enjoyable to our guests, so be sure to invite someone to join you! Note: We will not have Sunday School that Sunday so we can move right into the potluck after service. Questions? Please see an elder (Pastor Daniel, Thomas Holmes, Glenn Jares, or Brian Smith).
Our annual Thanksgiving Potluck will be held Sunday, November 19, after our Sunday service. Turkey and ham will be furnished. Please bring a side dish and salad or dessert to share. We hope you can come and fellowship with us and thank the Lord for all that He has blessed us with this year!