Sermons from February 2024
“John: Testify!”
Personal stories can have a big impact on the hearer. The Scriptures use personal stories throughout to communicate biblical truths. Today, we’re going to hear a story from John the Baptist and learn how it impacted his perspective of Christ and be challenged to communicate our own story to others around us.
“John: Does Christ’s First Coming Really Matter?” Pastor Bear
Why should we care about what happened thousands of years ago? Was Christ coming to earth really such a big deal? If so, why? Today we’re going to look at John 1 and learn about several key clues that help answer the questions mentioned above and learn what it means for us today.
John: In the Beginning…
“In the beginning…” These three words are the first three words in the Bible and the first three words in the Gospel of John. Today’s sermon will discuss the “beginning” and Christ’s role before, during, and after time began.