Sermons from February 2025

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John: Some Things Will Never Change


At the end of chapter 12, John summarizes Christ’s ministry on earth. He tells us what Christ came to do, how He did it, and what it means for us. The summary includes a hint of the unchanging benefits Christ came to offer and causes us to praise God that some things never change!

Jesus Received Mixed Reviews


We’re at the point in Jesus’ life when his public ministry has ended. In today’s passage, John describes a mixture of responses to Jesus’ message, some based purely on peer pressure. This passage offers a challenge to consider as we contemplate our choices based on societal pressures.

John: Jesus Leaves the Public Chat


Today we’ll study the last conversation that John records Jesus having with the general public. This conversation has some poignant lessons that will help us gain some perspective on the humanity of Jesus and the reality of life.

Are You Living in the Now?


In the book of John, we read of a seemingly insignificant interaction with some secondary characters who were not Jewish. This interaction is thought-provoking and leads us to consider some growth areas in our lives; and live as if there is more to life than the now.