Sermons by Pastor Daniel Bear

6170 of 126 items

The Rural Mindset and Spirituality


People in rural America are very independent. There is a ‘pull yourself up by your bootstraps’ kind of mentality. This mentality can easily carry over to our spiritual lives which brings up a problem: How can a guy in bare feet pull himself up by his bootstraps? Today we will examine this mindset and be […]

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know


At one time or another, all of us are guilty of living our lives based on information that may be faulty. Your wife may not be “fine” after all. Your husband may actually want to “talk about it.” Your job security may be less secure than a boat in a hurricane. What happens if your […]

Old Does Not Mean Irrelevant


Sometimes it is easy to think that the Old Testament is no longer relevant for the church today. In today’s sermon from Romans, we see very clearly how God’s words given to the prophets of the Old Testament still apply to us today and gives all of us hope for our future.

God, This Doesn’t Feel Right!


Have you ever felt that God is unfair? Does it seem like God chooses to bless some more than others? Today’s sermon addresses this tension and helps us process this seemingly unjust characteristic of our God.

“Three Men & A Cross!”


During this Easter message we will consider two men who experienced the exact same thing alongside Christ and yet came to wildly different conclusions based upon their perspective, or interpretation, of the event. As we consider Christ, we will be challenged to ask, “Which man am I?”

“The Dread Pirate Roberts Nailed It”


The Dread Pirate Roberts affirms Christ’s words when he says, “Life is pain…!” Nothing helps us through moments of pain more than knowing we are loved. In Romans 8, God, in His wisdom and in the context of suffering as believers, reminds us of how great His love is for us; regardless of what we […]

“Is Your Theology ‘False News’?”


Some have said the three most important things to biblical interpretation are: Context, context, context. Today’s passage illustrates the necessity of context for proper interpretation of God’s Word and it highlights how quickly one’s theology can go sideways if context is ignored.

“God, Are You There”


In last week’s sermon in Romans, we learned that the world is full of corruption and suffering happens. We were reminded we must be patient as we wait for God to return and fix what man has broken. This week’s passage describes how God helps us as we endure the hard times while waiting for […]

Got Peace?


Peace is something all of us need. In Romans 8, Paul, inspired by God, writes a paragraph designed to give us peace for today and hope for tomorrow. What more could you ask for?