“Do We Know What We are Doing?”


Most people have something they want to do different each New Year: Lose weight. Be more patient with people. Spend money better. Spend less time at work. Etc. The problem is seldom do these “resolutions” get met. We may start out strong but then life happens and we get discouraged and quit. Well, God wants […]

Why Did Christ Become a Man? Part 3

Every Christmas, Christians around the world celebrate the miracle of Christ’s birth. But have you ever stopped to consider why Christ had to be born? This sermon series will address eight reasons found in the book of Hebrews for why Christ had to become a man and will challenge us to think beyond our traditions […]

Why Did Christ Become a Man?

Every Christmas, Christians around the world celebrate the miracle of Christ’s birth. But have you ever stopped to consider why Christ had to be born? This sermon series will address eight reasons found in the book of Hebrews for why Christ had to become a man and will challenge us to think beyond our traditions […]

Why Did Christ Become a Man? – Pastor Bear


Every Christmas, Christians around the world celebrate the miracle of Christ’s birth. But have you ever stopped to consider why Christ had to be born? This sermon series will address eight reasons found in the book of Hebrews for why Christ had to become a man and will challenge us to think beyond our traditions […]

Proverbs Through a Mirror

We’ve spent over 20 weeks in Proverbs, a book on wise living. Today I’m going to attempt to summarize this book into one lesson while using the mirror of the New Testament. This one lesson is the most important lesson of all: Trust God!

Life is Like a Balance Beam

Balance. Is it even possible? Life pulls in all directions and the consequences of “losing my balance” are huge! How do I do this!? Proverbs, a book on skilled living, gives us a few tips to consider as we discuss the wisdom on living a balanced life.

Proverbs & the Persecuted Church

Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. This week’s study out of Proverbs 29 reminds us of what many of our Christian brothers and sisters around the world are experiencing today and (hopefully) challenges us to keep them in our prayers.

Proverbs: Channeling Mr. Rogers – Pastor Daniel Bear


Mr. Rogers taught us the value of being a good neighbor; a good friend. As a Presbyterian minister, much of what he taught was also represented in Scripture. Today we’re going to reverse engineer some of his lessons and learn how Proverbs speaks to the foundational truth behind the question: “Won’t you be my neighbor?”
